How the Unemployment Problem Can Be Reversed Almost Instantly

The U.S., not to mention most other countries, has an increasing unemployment problem which, if not stopped and reversed, will probably sink this country and others into an economic depression bigger than the historical Great Depression.

Different ideas have been implemented or proposed in order to reverse this situation and have failed due to bureaucracy, politics or greedy interests. However a simple alternative to the monetary system we have in place could turn this problem around completely without having to wait for present laws to turn in favor of a growing employment force, not just here in the United States but worldwide as well. In order to do this it is necessary to think outside the box.

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The following idea may seem radical/new however it has been done before in different times/locations and is still been done today in isolated ways and in different forms, but in small scales. That's why it's not been noticed before or thought about as a way to create employment almost from thin air. In a much larger scale and in its most common form we know it as bartering or exchange of goods/services, however this is totally brand new approach to bartering since its purpose is to create new jobs and help to keep other existing jobs, not just a simple exchange goods and services - Look up "alternative currency" in Wikipedia. The next paragraph will explain in details what it is and how it could be implemented in a practical way.

If, for example, a grocery store or supermarket needs more cashiers in order to shorten lines, it will eventually increase the amount of patrons because of the better service. However they may not be able to afford paying new cashiers with cash but they could probably pay them the same amount they pay other cashiers with food and other items that are being sold in the store. Even when they still have to pay cash for these items from the wholesaler or manufacturer, they are purchasing them at a fraction of what they would be exchanging them for, making a safe and sound profit. If by employing people that are willing to accept products instead of cash these companies can see a greater profit through more sales because of their better service, they more than happy would give this idea the go ahead and start it right away, putting people back to work. - Look up "Cincinnati Time Store" in Wikipedia for an example of this.

Although this idea may seem practical for some business like a supermarket or grocery store it may not seem like it could work for other businesses, but this too has a remedy where all types of businesses could benefit if they cooperate with each other. In fact, if this system is widely accepted and used, instead of an unemployment problem we may, on the long term, see a scarcity of employees and this in itself will help slip back this alternative system into a complete monetary system again instead of an exchange of products/services. The following paragraph will explain in detail what this system involves and how it could be implemented in all types of business in a practical and doable way.

If for example, an employee working in a legal office is paid with legal services, or an employee working in a hardware store is paid with tools, it is obvious that this alone would not serve the purpose of this new system. Even a person working at a supermarket wouldn't want to be paid with groceries all the time and would like to be able to acquire goods and services from other types of companies.

By incorporating a central system - here is where a company with the necessary infrastructure and recourses could make huge profits by charging a small percentage or fee per transaction for the use of an alternative cash card - where all the employees working for all these companies could obtain other goods and services, even from competing companies. This would serve the entire purpose and still keep competition up. A live example of this system is a company called Nate Barter.

In order for a central system to work, even at a small scale, is would need to be able to work as a sort of a bank where the companies associated to it most of the time would show a surplus or deficit. Those showing a deficit would have to make out of pocket payments to other companies or they may even be able to pay with goods/services if accepted. Regardless of the way they handle these credits or debits, their workload and profitability should steadily increase due to the increased "spending" power of the people who are now employed. Purchases made through this system could be easily made with a card similar to a check card where purchases could be debited and job earnings will be credited.

One of the drawbacks that I see with this system is that some employers could try to abuse it by changing entirely from a monetary system to an exchange system since this obviously would be a lot more profitable for them. However this could be easily avoided by implementing laws that place limits on the percentage of employees a company can have using this system, depending on circumstances, with the possibility of no limitations at all for newly formed companies. Another problem is that employers could imagine this system to be a fiscal nightmare due to the taxes that will have to be deducted from employees. However this problem could be easily resolved by the employer paying these taxes with official currency while deducting the employees with the alternative currency. Even when they will still have to pay these taxes with money, it will still be much less than paying the employee with currency also. Obviously, company's attorneys will need to be consulted before the first steps are taken. Nevertheless, interested companies will probably wait and see if other employers do it first and see how this works out for them before they are willing to implement it. However if all these companies get into this wait and see attitude, no one will take the first step and no one will ever benefit from this and we all stand to lose the opportunity this alternative currency system could bring, specially now when the entire financial system is in the brink of collapse.

Since more jobs and money would be available throughout competing companies, employees will tend to migrate to companies that offer a more liquid incentive: money. Regardless of what happens, everyone involved will benefit from this new system: more jobs, more productivity, more sales and more profits for these companies. Rental companies, loan companies, gasoline stations, utility and insurance companies could also get involved in this system because the system will have a cash value anyway but they will probably be the last ones to get incorporated in this system. After the first few companies get involved and they start showing an increased margin of profit, more and more companies will get join in and like a chain reaction the more companies that get involved the quicker others will follow through.

There is another crucial benefit this alternative way of producing jobs can bring to the US economy or to any other country that is willing to use this system: The activation of people who otherwise will stay inactive and because of the opportunity to be and feel productive. These added jobs will provide the prospect of selling more/new products/services abroad which otherwise could not have been possible.

Above all, drastic situations require drastic measures and I think that it is about time that "We the People" should do something ourselves to help this nation and not wait any longer for someone else to do it for us.

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