UNEMPLOYED? How to Get Educated, Travel the World AND Own Your Own Business in Less Than 2 Years

Sounds too good to be true, right? Well it's possible! Read on...

A few years ago I had a friend who was going through a really bad patch. He had just gone through a bad break up and had been unemployed for almost two years after losing his job when the company he worked for when bust during the recession.

He was feeling low and felt his prospects were limited; he was also annoyed and blamed his ex who he felt had held him back from accomplishing his dream of travelling around the world when they were together. He was convinced he would never get to do that now. Things were bleak for him and he felt there was nothing to look forward to, or work towards. I was worried about him so I came up with this plan to give him some HOPE.

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He would return to education and start a career for himself in a profession where he would be his own boss, make his own rules and not allow himself to be tied down again AND he would travel to many of the places he dreamed about in the process.

My friend liked the idea of course but how was he going to afford to pay for his education and trip without a Job?

He wasn't going to be paying for any of it out of his own pocket!!

The following is what I came up with...

DISCLAIMER: I understand what I'm going to suggest here may sound dishonest to some, it may sound like I'm suggesting people take advantage of the system and it may even tick a few people off, but none of it is illegal in any way here. I hope it will help someone who is in a similar situation to the one my friend was in, who done the following and went from feeling hopeless to getting his life back on track, getting himself off the dole and back to work after 2 years.

The following applies to my country, Ireland, but it may be possible to do it n your country also, there may be similar schemes, just look into it yourself.

Step 1
Start a blog; my friend obviously had a lot of time on his hands so I told him to sign up to word press and start a blog. He wasn't pushed about this idea at first, whinging that he didn't know what to write about or if he could even write anything interesting enough that people would want to read. I told him not to worry about that and I even loaned him the money it would cost to host his blog and told him to pay me back in the future when his business was doing good.

As his future business was going to be online, by starting a blog he would learn some technical skills like how to use and install WordPress, as well as the basic essentials of SEO and get some experience in writing. I knew he was capable of this.

Step 2
My friend liked the idea of the next step although he was a bit intimidated by the thoughts of it. He would return to Education. I suggested he sign up to a course in the local VEC.

As my friend was over 21 and was in receipt of unemployment benefit for over a year I knew he was eligible for VTOS (Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme) which is funded by the Department of Education and Science with assistance from the European Social Fund. The courses are full-time, approximately 30 hours per week (e.g. 6 hours a day for 5 days) and last for up to 2 years. There are no course fees. He would also receive a travel and meal allowance on top of his jobseeker benefit. Basically he would get paid to study!

Not only that but if he signed up for the second year on VTOS and graduated in the first year he would continue to receive the weekly payment into his bank account right through the 4 month break between semesters!

For his first year on VTOS, he done a journalism course which helped his writing skills and he was soon writing compelling blog posts. I knew it was in him as he's a great aural story teller. Also, there was a course that laid the ground works for becoming a web designer and as I knew my friend had a passion for Art and was quite creative; I thought he would like it. He signed up for this course for his second term on VTOS. He signed up for the second term mid way through the first year and was accepted.

During the 4 months in between semesters my Friend travelled to Asia. He was receiving almost 250euro a week on the VTOS Scheme straight into his bank account which went a LONGGG way over there, especially as he doesn't drink. The third step was just to get to Asia and write, write, write! Eventually he was writing around 1000 words a day about his adventures over there, and enjoying it, he even got some articles published. To pay for his flight over and back he sold some of his possessions, I told him he wasn't going to need them soon anyway!

When you are on the VTOS scheme there is nothing stopping you leaving the country as long as you are back for the second term. It's also OK to work part time if you can find work which doesn't affect your payment. After hearing that I don't know how any unemployed people her could sit on their arse and do nothing all day when they have this option.

On top of all that my friend met some really cool people in the college, including a new girlfriend!

Step 4
Complete the second term and I suggest volunteering in a company in an area that you plan to freelance in, you will get valuable experience.

In my friends case it was a web design company, he felt he learned even more from volunteering there than he had from the course, he even got offered a job but was so set on achieving his new goal of becoming a freelancing, web designing, Digital Nomad!!

If you're interested in following this plan yourself, There's a ton of courses available on VTOS, I suggest choosing something you have a interest or passion for such as photography or something that you may be able to make some good money by freelancing in as a Digital Nomad, for example there are web development courses, marketing courses and graphic design courses;


Its important to study hard and show up to college regularly, you need to pass everything to get into second year and remember that the VTOS course places are limited, there might be many people applying for the course you are on who will be let down because it was full - I repeat;


If you want to eventually become a Digital Nomad by the end of the two years you also might want to study up on anything to do with internet marketing, Web Design, Copywriting and all types of writing in your spare time especially if it's not in the course you are doing.

As I mentioned at the start of this article, I'm speaking about Ireland in this post, check for similar schemes in your own country and the legality of leaving the country while being on the scheme, If it's available and OK to do that in Ireland I imagine its possible in the rest of the EU...

My friend wandered around as Digital Nomad for a while but returned home eventually and took the offer up for the job in the company he had volunteered in. The Nomadic life just was not for him in the end, and he missed the girl he met while in college;


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